Description Oliveira de Frades

Oliveira de Frades is a Portuguese village in the District of Viseu, located in the province of Beira Alta, in the Centro region (Beiras Region) and sub-region Viseu Dão-Lafões, with approximately 2 800 inhabitants. It is the seat of a municipality with 147.45 km² in area and 10 261 inhabitants (2011), subdivided into 8 parishes.

It is one of the few territorially discontinuous municipalities in Portugal, consisting of two portions, one main, of larger dimensions, where the town is located, and the other smaller, a few kilometers to the southeast. The main territory is limited to the northeast by the municipality of São Pedro do Sul, to the southeast by Vouzela, to the southwest by Águeda, to the west by Sever do Vouga and to the northwest by Vale de Cambra. The secondary territory (exclave) is limited to the north and northeast by Vouzela, to the south and southwest by Tondela and to the west by Águeda.

The Serra do Caramulo, Talhadas, Ladário, Gralheira, the Vouga, Alfusqueiro and Teixeira rivers define the physical contours of the municipality of Oliveira de Frades. The altitude gives it the touch of indoor climate. Vale do Vouga sweetens this aggressive climate and brings it closer to a temperate Atlantic climate, pleasant almost all year round.

The Vouga River, which rises from Serra da Lapa is the main watercourse that runs through the County

Oliveira de Frades is the Capital of Frango do Campo.

The Festas da Vila are held between the 13th and 19th of July every year, and on the last day, at lunch and dinner time, a gastronomic show of Frango do Campo.

At the top of the mountains are several viewpoints and at the bottom of the valleys, mountain villages, dark houses and narrow streets are hidden and the harsh climate and the sublime rusticity of the granite shape the landscape