O Porquinho Pati - Porco no Espeto

O Porquinho Pati - Porco no Espeto

Porquinho Pati is a company in the gastronomic area of ??Valença that is present at events, parties, Baptisms, communions, birthdays, is dedicated to Porco no Espeto and brings to you, its restaurant and its team of professionals...

Find other service offers for the organization of your event, Pig on a skewer for your party, catering services in Valença and in the North of the Country, with all the quality and professionalism, birthday parties, weddings, baptisms, communions, the best Porto sandwiches in Espeto at your party!

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The Porquinho Pati, is a company in the gastronomic area of Valença that attends events, parties, baptisms, dedicates to Porco no Espeto and takes to itself, its restaurant and its team of professionals ...

In recent years the presence of pork in the skewer has become a mandatory presence in the festivities that take place throughout the year and Porquinho Pati has already been present in many of them, with its quality meat and its tasty pork sandwich on the skewer, is already a reference to the public.

It is already a habitual presence in the New Fairs of Ponte de Lima, one of the biggest festivities of the Country ...


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Rua de Baixo nº5

4930-157 - Valença


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