Garrafeira Matriz em Ponte de Lima

Garrafeira Matriz em Ponte de Lima

Store founded in 1952 by José Luís da Silva and which over the decades has established itself as a house of wines and other products.


Find in Ponte de Lima Garrafeiras, trade in Regional, National and International wines, wines for everyone, Green, Mature, Sparkling, Spiritual, Rosé wines...


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Our choices are never by chance.

Every month there are new Wine suggestions for your special moment and unique sensations.

Learn more about wines, Garrafeira Matriz tells you the best in Portugal, the best vintages and why

Opening hours
From Monday to Saturday from 09:00 to 19:00 

Location Map

Permitir Localização

R. da Matriz nº7, Pte. de Lima

4990-089 - ponte-de-lima


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