Rui Pedrosa Topografia Caminha

Rui Pedrosa Topografia Caminha

Located in Caminha, Rui Pedrosa Topografia's main activity is the area of Topography in all its aspects. Topographic Surveys, Architectural Surveys, Surveys using Lazer Scan, Deployment, Surveyors in Caminha...


REF: PV TO1001

+351 964 675 739

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Rua Benemérito Joaquim Rosas 137

4910-130 Caminha

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Located in Caminha, Rui Pedrosa Topografia's main activity is the area of Topography in all its aspects. Topographic Surveys, Architectural Surveys, Surveys using Lazer Scan, Deployment, Surveyors in Caminha...

Rui Pedrosa Topografia is a young company, which has been in existence for a few years, dedicated to the development of projects in the field of Geographic Engineering, whose main areas of action are Topography, Infrastructure Registration and Monitoring and Instrumentation. .

Topographic Surveys
* Area rectification
* Survey for IMI
* Registration
* Connection to the National Geodesic Network

Architectural Surveys
* plants
* Elevations
* Polite

Surveys using Lazer Scan

* Work Implementation
* Deployment of extremities

Opening hours
available every day

Location Map

Permitir Localização

Rua Benemérito Joaquim Rosas 137

4910-130 - Caminha


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