Restaurante Remo

Restaurante Remo

Located in Caminha at Clube do Remo, the Remo Restaurant has a wide and welcoming space with beautiful views over the Rio-Minho and Spain. A house with more than 30 years of existence serving its customers well ... With specialties of typical Minho dishes and SUSHI specialties ... Sushi restaurant in Caminha. restaurants in Caminha


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The Remo Restaurant, presents a wide and welcoming space, with a Restaurant and Snack-bar area, located next to the River Minho and Ferry-Boat that crosses to Spain, a few meters from the Historic center of Caminha and the Bars and Bars area. Nightclubs.

It benefits from fantastic views over the River Minho and all its surroundings, consisting of green landscapes, Monte de Santa Tecla in Spain and its beautiful mouth.

With a traditional cuisine of more than 30 years, it makes available to its customers, typical flavors of Minho and for fish lovers, Sushi made to the highest level of demand, taking advantage of its location next to the sea coast.

Its varied cuisine is appreciated by those looking for traditional dishes from the region, such as grilled dishes, fresh fish, seafood, meats and delicious desserts.

* Cod At Minhota
* Baked veal to the baker
* Roast Goatling in the Serra D'Arga
* Folded in the style of the house
* Cod in the Cataplana
* Codfish delight to the Chef
* Assorted seafood
* Roast beef with mushroom sauce
* Black pig tusks
* Black pork skewers
* steak
* Mixed grills at home
* Homemade desserts ..

Excellent space for the organization of large events

Opening hours
Every day from 12:00 to 15:00 and from 19:30 to 22:00
Mondays from 12:00 to 15:00
Closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays
In August open every day

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Avenida Doutor Dantas Carneiro

4910-103 - caminha


  • avatar
  • Andre
  • Lanhelas
    • 5
    • 2019-07-19 03:17:27
  • 5 estrelas

  • Com excelente atendimento; uma carta mt variada e umas excelentes vistas não se podia pedir melhor
  • avatar
  • José Carvalhosa
  • Vila do Conde
    • 5
    • 2020-10-01 09:59:39
  • Aconselho!!!

  • Tive o privilégio de almoçar neste restaurante, com a minha mulher e filha, foi um dia de semana em que o prato do dia era Cozido à Portuguesa, não era um Domingo! era dia de semana. A minha mulher optou por outro pelo bacalhau. Fomos embora com muita vontade de voltar o mais breve possivel, aconselho vivamente!!!
  • avatar
  • Celeste
  • Valença
    • 4
    • 2022-03-16 02:27:54
  • Boa opção para comer em Caminha

  • Em Caminha não faltam opções para comer bem, para mim este restaurante é especial, além de ter muitas opções na carta, as vistas e o ambiente são super aconchegantes!!! Os Chocos na Caçarola que comi da ultima vez estavam super deliciosos!!!
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  • Antonio Fonte
  • Viana do Castelo
    • 5
    • 2023-02-09 06:37:08
  • Ementa com boas opções de carne e peixe

  • Vistas expetaculares sobre o rio Minho e boa comida na mesa se gostar de peixe ou carne e até sushi de qualidade!!!

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