J. Oliveira & Sousa

J. Oliveira & Sousa

Located in the center of Vila Nova de Gaia, J. OLIVEIRA & SOUSA, was founded in 1989. It is composed of a team of dedicated and experienced professionals. It sells quality construction materials, paints and varnishes, machines, tools, accessories, among others ... It also makes copies of keys and commands and repairs of machines ...


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Fale Connosco!


We work with the best suppliers in the market to guarantee the quality of our services.

At J.Oliveira & Sousa, Lda, we have the ideal solution for your work. From the budget, the sale of the material, to the technical support during your project.

We sell quality construction material, namely paints and varnishes, machines, tools, accessories, among others. Go to our facilities and ask for your free quote.

We make copies of keys and commands, and make machine repairs.

We take charge of delivering the material in your work (see conditions in the store).

We'll be waiting for your visit!

Opening hours
Monday to Friday from 9 am to 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Saturday: 09h00 to 13h00

Location Map

Permitir Localização

Rua Barão do Corvo, 415

4400-040 - Vila Nova de Gaia


  • avatar
  • Joaquim Lima
  • Vila Nova de Gaia
    • 2
    • 2021-12-14 02:32:57
  • Tudo o que precisa

  • A Casa Oloveira aqui em Gaia tem todo o material necessario de Bricolage no Comercio tradicional!!!

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