Centro Histórico de Rates

Centro Histórico de Rates

S. Pedro de Rates is a village of millenary scrolls that lived its golden age in the Middle Ages, strongly marking the economic and cultural life of the region. It maintained an autonomy that lasted more than six centuries and of which the main symbols were the building of the old Town Halls and the Pelourinho (Manueline), classified as a National Monument.


Póvoa de Varzim


In 1836 he joined the municipality of Póvoa de Varzim. In the center of this square, surrounded by the most “noble” houses, the chapel of Senhor da Praça, from the 18th century, decorated with lush Baroque altars, stands out. In 1997 and 98, this entire public space underwent rehabilitation works. Source: https://www.cm-pvarzim.pt/

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Rates Póvoa de Varzim


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