Buried under the sands of Angeiras beach, is located one of the most important archaeological sites, from Roman times, in northern Portugal. It is a magnificent example of Roman industrial architecture and which, together with some similar examples identified in Póvoa de Varzim, constitute a set of cetaria, dating from the time of the Lower Roman Empire (4th - 5th century), unique in the northern region.
Avenida da Praia de Angeiras, Lavra
It consists of six sets of tanks, with a total of 32 specimens, rectangular and trapezoidal in shape, excavated in the rocky outcrop and dispersed over about 600 meters along the sandy beach of Angeiras. These tanks were intended for the salting of fish or for the production of other types of canned fish that were very popular in Roman times such as garum (pasta resulting from the maceration of several species of fish and mollusks with wine, olive oil and other products). Artificial tanks were also identified with pavement composed of pebbles and clay and bounded by walls built by granite slabs, pebbles and clay. These structures were intended for the extraction of salt from sea water. it is also likely that there were other cetaria built in clay, of which some fragments have appeared, similar to what is observed, for example, in Tróia. These structures seem to date from a late Romanization period (3rd - 4th century AD).
Between the rear of the parish church of Lavra and the beach are the remains of an important archaeological station, which was the central nucleus of the settlement of this parish during Roman times. It is an old Roman villa. Although this station has not yet had systematic excavations, several elements have occasionally appeared that indicate that there was a relatively important archaeological station here, namely the remains of a mosaic and several ceramics (which were deposited in the 1940s) at the Museu de Etnologia do Port. Other elements have occasionally been collected and are deposited at the Padre Ramos Parish Museum. This place was of great importance during the Suevic-Visigothic period (5th - 7th century AD), evident in the fact that it is one of the parishes mentioned in the Suevic Parochiale and in a document from the end of the 19th century. IX refer to the existence of a monastery in Lavra "with an ancient foundation".
The settlement of this place in the parish is, however, much older, going back to the first prehistoric communities of farmers and shepherds of the 3rd millennium BC, evident in the remains of megalithic monuments identified in the place of Antela. Also in this place, in surveys carried out in 2004 by the Municipal Office of Archeology and History of the Chamber of Matosinhos, traces of a prehistoric village were identified, which were dated approximately between 2500 to 1500 BC.
Source: https://www.cm-matosinhos.pt
Avenida da Praia de Angeiras, Lavra Matosinhos