The sea at the table, the new architecture, the pilgrimages, the monuments, the historical recreations. Touristic Matosinhos is unavoidably gastronomy, contemporary architecture, the immense sea coast. There are many other enchantments.
The sea at the table, the new architecture, the pilgrimages, the monuments, the historical recreations. Touristic Matosinhos is unavoidably gastronomy, contemporary architecture, the immense sea coast. There are many other enchantments.
Of gastronomy, it can be said that it is the anchor. The fish, the seafood, the meat recipes of Matosinhos interior, the tone and aroma of eternal camp are disarming. The North makes Matosinhos the place of all celebrations. They come for lunch, dinner, and return to a concert, a conference, to practice a sport, discover the other enchantments.
Of contemporary architecture, one should inevitably speak of Álvaro Siza whose ties to Matosinhos are very strong. First of all, at the level of emotions: Álvaro Siza was born in Matosinhos, his first memories necessarily have the outline, the aroma, the sounds of his city. Matosinhos was truly inspiring. Matosinhos jealously guards the works of Siza, those of his youth, icons of world architecture, national monuments: the Boa Nova Tea House, the Tides Pool, built among the rocks, were not - its Author would say - breaking the view from the sea line. It is tourism up close and across the sea to see the works of Mestre, but also those of Fernando Távora, Alcino Soutinho, Souto Moura.
Come on foot, by the south, next to the sea, enter the stripped marginal of Souto Moura, look at the legendary Matosinhos beach teeming with magic and symbols - the genesis of the many pilgrimages and popular festivals. Come wherever you come, take love for Matosinhos.
In this part, you can view some information about Matosinhos tourism, namely information about Leisure activities, Fairs and Pilgrimages, Itineraries on cultural and historical aspects of the county, as well as information on accommodation and restaurants.