Forte de nossa senhora das neves

Forte de nossa senhora das neves

After the restoration of independence in 1640 and in view of the need to defend our coasts from Spanish and privateers attacks, a series of fortresses were built by the sea. In Leça da Palmeira, the fortress of Nossa Senhora das Neves was built, which together with the forts of S. João da Foz and S. Francisco Xavier (Castelo do Queijo) was part of the defense line of the city of Porto.

Rampa Castelo 25, 4450-631 Leça da Palmeira



It is a bastioned fort with a four-pointed star plant, protected by sloping walls and protruding guardhouses. The beginning of its construction dates from 1651, thus replacing another older and smaller fortification, located a short distance from it and whose construction had started in 1638.
After losing its military function, Alfândega do Porto was installed there in 1844 and, in 1899, the Porto de Leixões secretariat. Today it is the headquarters of the captaincy of that port.
It is classified as a Property of Public Interest by Decree 44075 DG 281 of December 5, 1961.


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Rampa Castelo 25, 4450-631 Leça da Palmeira Matosinhos


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