Caminho Português da Costa em Matosinhos

Caminho Português da Costa em Matosinhos

The proposed itinerary follows approximately the layout of the old road that connected Porto to Vila do Conde. From Monte dos Burgos the route follows Rua Central do Seixo to Cruzeiro do Padrão da Légua. This beautiful image of the Crucified Christ, dates from the 19th century. XVII and simultaneously marks the point where the old road to Vila do Conde separated from the one that followed to Barcelos and Viana do Castelo.




From this monument the pilgrim turns to Poente, through Rua da Fonte Velha, until Largo do Souto. Largo do Souto, already referred to in 1258 as “ad crucem Sanctii Iacobii Costoyas”, was, for centuries, the main centrality of the parish. About 200 meters away is the parish church of Santiago de Custóias, built in the 19th century. XVIII, where its beautiful altars in baroque gilded woodwork stand out, it houses the image of Santiago Maior, patron of the parish. From this point it heads north along Rua da Cal, descending towards the River Leça. The river passes through the Ponte de Goimil, a trestle bridge with a pointed arch, built in irregular granite masonry, presenting a typology constructive characteristic of the Middle Ages (13th - 14th centuries). The route continues north through Rua da Estrada. The Couto de Leça landmark, dating from the 19th century. XVII, located on the way up towards Pedras Rubras marks the limits of Couto de Leça and the territories of the Order of the Hospital and the entrance to the municipality of Maia.

For those who enjoy walking by the sea, Matosinhos also has, alternatively, 15 kilometers of pleasant walking paths along the beach, which take the walker to Vila do Conde.


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. Matosinhos


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