In the highest area are the lowest temperatures and the highest precipitation (Cold Mountain Land in transition to High Mountain). Geological diversity, based on metasedimentary rocks, defines a unit of vigorous slopes. The agroforestry areas present considerable areas of arable crops and pastures and important areas of terraced soil.
Serra da Marão
The landscape is characterized by the strong opposition between rusticity and the rugged nature of the mountain landscape with the amenity and productivity of agroforestry mosaics. In the higher areas, a low vegetation cover predominates, dominated by heather and gorse bushes and with frequent presence of rocky outcrops, which in the case of shales constitute habitat of endemic and rare plants in the national context. These mountain areas include important extensions of protected habitats and a relevant vertebrate fauna, especially the presence of the Iberian wolf. The presence of important vestiges of the old mining activity is also noted. The agroforestry mosaics are characterized by the multiplicity of small agricultural plots, often installed on terraces, and by the important presence of native forest of oaks and other hardwoods such as chestnut and ash. Due to its high natural value, it is part of the “Natura 2000” Network (Site of Community Importance “Alvão-Marão”).