The Teixeira River has a higher degree of conservation and ecological value than the other rivers in the municipality of Baião. Sliding smoothly between steep slopes, the Teixeira River is accompanied on its banks by tufts of river junction and other exuberant plants such as the royal fetus.
Rio Teixeira
The Teixeira River is surrounded by oak groves and agricultural mosaics rich in chestnut trees. The valley floor has great potential from an ornithological point of view, due to the great diversity of habitats present.
Along the banks, the visitor may be surprised by the “tsee-wee-wee” of the sandpiper, while the distinctive song of the nightingale overlaps with the lapping of the running water. Flocks of granivorous birds such as the goldfinch, the redfinch and the sparrow appear around the cultivated fields, while from the surrounding pine forests you can hear the jacking of the jay and the “tsii-tsii” typical of the chickadees. With a little attention, it will even be possible to hear the typical hammering of the great spotted woodpecker.