PR1 Trilho das Florestas Naturais

PR1 Trilho das Florestas Naturais

Mother Church of S. João de Ovil marks the beginning of this journey. As a curiosity, you can see part of a Romanesque frieze on the north facade of the church, testimony of a first temple built here.

Serra da Aboboreira



After starting the route, the landscape that is observed in the areas of half slope reflects the dynamic nature of the vegetation and the way it evolved in the absence of uses and other disturbances caused by man. The agricultural and pastoral abandonment allowed the recovery of spontaneous vegetation and the development of extensive young oak trees.

The tall woods of broom and codesso complete the landscape and reflect the path that nature takes towards the forest. Despite dominating this landscape, the natural forest is interspersed here and there by some forest stands of eucalyptus and maritime pine. The slopes of the mountain range are furrowed by several water lines, colonized by the black willow and the alder. There you can observe several species of fauna, such as the Iberian frog or the water lizard, whose males stand out quite well at the time of reproduction by the turquoise color of the neck and head.

At the top of the route, you will find most of the most emblematic monuments of the megalithic complex of Serra da Aboboreira: the menhir of Pena and the dolmens of Chã de Parada 1 and Meninas do Crasto 3.

The configuration and implantation in the terrain of the granitic monolith of Pena, allows us to guess that it may be a menhir. If this hypothesis is confirmed, we will be in the presence of the only menhir in the Serra da Aboboreira.

The Dolmen 1 of Chã de Parada, National Monument since 1910, impresses all those who pass through there due to its dimensions and the stillness of the place. The same happened to the writer José Saramago, who recorded his experience:

 “The traveler goes around, there is the corridor, and inside the spacious chamber, higher than the whole set, from the outside it looked (…) and from below it has nothing. There are no limits to silence. Under these stones, the traveler withdraws from the world. (…) That men will have forcibly lifted this very heavy slab, thinned and perfected as a default, and what was said below, that dead people were laid here. The traveler sits on the sandy ground, picks a tender stem between two fingers that was born next to a mainstay, and, bowing his head, finally hears his own heart. ”

Travel to Portugal, p. 34

Some prehistoric engravings can also be seen on some of the pillars that make up the dolmenic chamber. Your observation is more noticeable when you know its location, so it is advisable to book a guided visit, through the Archeology Center of the Municipal Museum of Baião. Everyone is responsible for the conservation and preservation of these prints for future generations.

In contrast, you will be able to appreciate the graciousness of Meninas do Crasto 3, of much more modest dimensions. In addition to visiting the megalithic monuments, be sure to appreciate the simple decoration of some alminhas from the century. XIX, cool off in Fonte do Mel and understand why the shepherds of the Serra call “Pedra de Sol” an isolated granitic batholith, which, having this characteristic, works naturally like a sundial.

Finish the tour delighting yourself with the beauty of the landscape that can be seen from the Capela da Sra. Da Guia Cruises.


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Serra da Aboboreira Baião


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