Parque Aquático de Amarante

Parque Aquático de Amarante

Lots of fun in the water. This is what you find in the Amarante Aquatic Park. For adults and the little ones, there are swimming pools and many slides to slide through, between fast and multiple tracks, a toboggan and a snail tube.

Rua do Tamega 2245- Fregim, 4600-909



Combined with quality, safety is another of the values of the space, which offers us a privileged view over Tâmega. With a maximum capacity of 1200 people, the park promises to give any visitor a memorable experience.

Amusement Equipment
-Adult swimming pool;
-Children's Pool;
-Multiple tracks;
-Fast tracks;

-Snack Bar;
-Nursing Center;


Location Map

Permitir Localização

Rua do Tamega 2245- Fregim, 4600-909 Amarante


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