Igreja de Santa Maria de Jazente

Igreja de Santa Maria de Jazente

Ornamental lightness is clearly the main feature of the Church of Santa Maria de Jazente. It is one of several buildings integrated in the so-called 'late Romanesque'.

Rua da Igreja, freguesia de Jazente



The Gothic image inside the church invokes the figure that gives the space its name - Santa Maria -, while on the outside a perforated cross is imposed on the portal, topped by a tympanum. No less interesting is the designation "Jazente", linked to the name of the poet Paulino Cabral, who, with curious sonnets, marked the second half of the 18th century.

Telf: 255 810 706
Email: rotadoromanico@valsousa.pt

Source: https://amarantetourism.com/

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Rua da Igreja, freguesia de Jazente Amarante


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