Móveis Universal

Móveis Universal

Located in Lisbon, Móveis Universal is a company present in the furniture business since 1976. We sell furniture, upholstery, mattresses and sommiers. Móveis Universal brings together the best brands to provide its customers with high quality articles.


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The range of products is also quite varied, in order to satisfy all the furniture needs of customers. From mattresses and sommiers from the brands Molaflex, Colmol, Mindol, BestBed, Climax, Bom Repouso and Pierre Cardin, furniture for modern double bedrooms, furniture for youth and modern bedrooms, wardrobes, sofas to tables and chairs for kitchens and dining rooms. .

But Móveis Universal wants more in terms of customer satisfaction, it does not stop at offering pre-configured furniture. We also offer the possibility of "designing" each room of your house through projects carried out with you in your house, or projects that you send us.

Modern furniture that can be adjusted to your rooms, mattresses, sofas and other items so that your home is tailored to your taste!

Opening hours
Monday to Friday from 10:30 to 13:30 and from 15:00 to 19:00
Saturdays from 10:30 am to 6:00 pm 

Location Map

Permitir Localização

Rua dos Soeiros 311B

1500-580 - lisboa


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