Museu da Cultura Castreja

Museu da Cultura Castreja

The Castreja Culture Museum is installed in Solar da Ponte, owned by Sociedade Martins Sarmento, built in the 19th century. XVIII / XIX with a beautiful park, it was the residence of the family of Francisco Martins Sarmento. He put his intelligence at the service of his unlimited curiosity and became a respected European-level researcher.

Solar da Ponte S. Salvador de Briteiros



The Castreja Culture Museum is the first space dedicated to Castro culture, an indigenous culture that only exists in the northwest of the peninsular and is the cultural matrix of this Atlantic strip of the Iberian Peninsula. The Museum highlights the importance of that culture, also constituting the right homage of homage to the Sage who freed her from the enchanting mantle with which the Moors hid her for centuries.

Elevation: 492 meters

Phone: +351 253 478 952 / +351 253 478 952

Adult admission 3 €

Daily from 9.30h - 12.30h / 14.00h - 18.00h
Closed on December 25th, January 1st and Easter Sunday.


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Solar da Ponte S. Salvador de Briteiros Guimarães


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