
Crafts in our country are part of culture and tradition over many years. This sector has been devalued due to the economic and alternative differentiation of cheaper products, but it is nonetheless a unique sector in our country, being of great importance, both economically and culturally.

With the development and growth of Tourism, Handicraft has played an important role in the development of the region's economy. In recent years, craftsmanship became important, with the need for work alternatives, there was a significant increase of Craftsman who appeared, benefiting from the increase of Tourists and visitors in our region looking for local products.

Throughout our region are thousands of workshops that dominate the Art as main business and still a large number of people do it as a second option and as family support.

The North of Portugal, is a region full of Culture and traditions, where history and religion live side by side, the know-how and passion that unites the people to their land, is manifested in popular traditions that have been preserved throughout of centuries and in the strong cultural connection to the craft that helps to preserve the roots and traditions of a people, where Crafts has already crossed borders.

The regional and artisan products, genuinely Portuguese, are present throughout the region in an attractive and colorful way, can be seen in regional shops, fairs, festivals and markets that are held throughout the year and are easily found on the street. Our Craftsman dominates the art of know-how, from polishing the stone, working the ceramics, the weaving technique, through natural products and animal fibers, pottery to the wheel, the technique of jewelery and filigree, working textiles, glasses , zinc, wood, wrought iron, creating popular pieces full of meaning and true masterpieces

These pieces produced by hand, represent and characterize a people, bringing their origins to the present, some have arisen from legends and stories, others give importance and show the wealth of a people. In several places in our region, craftsmanship manifests itself differently, each with a different path:


Bengalas de Gestaçô

Camisolas Poveiras da Póvoa de Varzim

Bonecos de Barro de Vila Nova de Gaia

Bordado da Lixa

Miniaturas de Barcos de Vila do Conde

Miniaturas de Barcos Rabelos

Nós de Marinheiro de Matosinhos

Ourivesaria de Gondomar

Peças em Ardósia de Valongo


Caixa com bordado regional;

Bordado e louça regional de Viana;

Socas regionais;


Trabalho em vime;

Lenços regionais vianenses;

Peça decorativa da louça regional de Viana;

Bonecas regionais;

Cabeçudos Tradicionais e esculturas em papel reciclado 


Latoaria e Funilaria

Artigos de decoração alusivos ao traje á Romaria; 

Boneca Artesanais e Corações de Viana;

Bijutaria em Filigrama;

Bordados de Viana e Lenços de namorados;

Joias Artesanais em vidro (Vitrofusão).


Miniaturas de madeira,

Bonecas em trajes regionais,

A louça típica de Braga


A arte Sacra


Os bordados

A cestaria

Trabalhos em vime

Artigos de linho

Trabalhos em ferro forjado 


lençóis de linho,

mantas de trapos,

cobertores de lã e

colchas de linho, lã ou de algodão.


Olaria Negra de Bisalhães

Linhos de Agarez



Throughout the region there are groups of craftsmen, workshops in activity, where it is possible to acquire manufactured objects, whether in basketwork, pottery, weaving, lace or embroidery, wrought iron and woodwork, as well as paper flowers best known for flowers of boyfriends.